How to Say "I Don't Know" and Still Appear Smart
How to Say "I Don't Know" and Still Appear Smart
Learn how to develop your leadership, create clarity, and turn your organization into a sanctuary of inclusion and incubator of innovation so that you can experience sustained breakthroughs!
Annual strategic planning can often be a time-wasting exercise full of whims, wishes, and well-intentioned goals that are rarely or barely achieved. I'll show you a better way.
How to Say "I Don't Know" and Still Appear Smart
How can we make sure that we finish our goals as strong as we start them and not get discouraged? The answer came from 3 insights I gained from a...
Have you ever asked a team member, colleague, or friend to do a task for you and it turned into a disaster? We discuss 3 steps to more effective...
I'm going to address how you can professionally and politely close and leave the prospect/person feeling good about the decision they made.
While there may be many important components to Educating and Informing your prospect, I have found these to be 3 of the most effective.
The amount of rapport or trust built will directly affect the speed of the remaining steps and if you will be able to go back to this person again.
I believe that if we can answer 3 key questions during the Qualification phase that we can save ourselves time, energy, and frustration.
Closing the Deal: 5 Steps to Communicating More Persuasively - Part 1, Introduction/First Impression
It's sad but true that the saying, you never get a second chance to make a first impression is accurate. 3 actions will make sure that rarely happens.
The image, integrity, and value of men has never been more diminished. The movie Braveheart shows us 3 leadership principles all men should follow.
Do you know your mental, emotional, and even spiritual strengths? There are 4 actions that will improve your effectiveness as a leader.
Regardless of your reason to be more fit, whether to look better, feel better, or have more energy, these 3 things will have you in tip-top shape!
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