Start Your Transformation Journey Today

Turn Purpose into Performance

Unlock the full potential of your organization with my specialized coaching services.

Kenny Lange Speaking at the Vistage Executive Summit 2023 in Atlanta, GA

Overcome Your Organizational Challenges

Bridge the gap between your current operations and your mission-driven aspirations by addressing common organizational challenges.

Strategic Misalignment

Align your strategies to amplify impact.

Team Dynamics

Cultivate a culture of high performance.

Leadership Gaps

Develop leaders who inspire and lead by example.

Comprehensive Organizational Transformation

Leverage the combined power of strategic alignment, team dynamics improvement, and leadership development to elevate your organization.”

Integrated Approach

Benefit from a holistic service that covers every aspect of organizational development.

Customized Solutions

Tailored strategies that resonate with your unique mission and challenges.

Sustained Impact

Long-term improvements that propel your organization forward.


Who Am I?

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I'm Coach Kenny

From a young entrepreneur selling lunches and Pokemon cards to scaling my own company and driving growth for others, I’ve always been driven by a passion for leadership and organizational excellence.

After successfully selling my business and helping another agency thrive globally during challenging times, I’ve gained invaluable experience in transforming challenges into opportunities for growth.

My commitment now is to helping leaders like you achieve clarity and peak performance. I am dedicated to enabling leaders to realize their potential and guiding organizations towards meaningful, sustainable success.

I believe helping others excel in their roles is not just my profession—it’s my calling.


Focus the Organization

Unlock efficiency and effectiveness across all operational levels. Our strategic alignment service not only clarifies your mission but also ensures that every department and team member is pulling in the same direction, enhancing productivity and focus.

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Hope Haven 3VQ Training - Feb 2024 4

Foster High-Performance Teams

Transform your teams into dynamos of efficiency and innovation. This service is designed to revamp your team dynamics, fostering a collaborative environment that promotes peak performance and nurtures future leaders within your ranks.


Create Leaders Worth Following

Develop the leaders who will drive tomorrow’s successes. Our leadership program focuses on building depth and character in your leadership team, equipping them with the skills to inspire, manage change effectively, and guide your organization with integrity and foresight.

System and Soul June 2023 Refuel with Bill and Steve
The Process

Your Plan for Focusing Your Organization

Discover + Define

Schedule a discovery session to identify your needs and define your goals.

Strategize + Plan

Receive a bespoke plan designed to tackle your specific challenges and maximize your organization's potential.

Activate + Impact

Activate your strategic plan with our expert guidance and witness the transformation as your purpose is turned into measurable performance.

What Others Are Saying

"Kenny is a high achiever dedicated to helping others achieve. He has a gift for creating safe space for people to learn and understand what is really going on… in themselves and in their company. That space consistently leads to breakthroughs."

"Kenny is a world-class human being and coach. He's uniquely gifted to both help a leadership team build better systems and help them infuse their culture, values, and gifts in their business. His experience as a founder, his intuitive nature, and ability to capture the whole picture while seeing the small steps that make it up is truly what everyone needs in a great coach."

"Kenny's work ethic, ability to inspire, and attention to detail are what separate him from other great leaders. He set the bar that I will continue to measure myself and others against, while I was under his tutelage. Kenny was able to perform at a very high level in the multiple roles he took on as a client-facing coach and internal manager. He is the work world equivalent of former NBA point guard Magic Johnson - an unselfish and highly skilled operator who can run the floor while making everyone around him better."

"Kenny was an integral part of helping us launch our nonprofit well. He not only helped us with many technical parts but also helped us understand our story and how we can relate well to our clients. It is this clarity that has helped us to reach our audience and quickly engage them in our services. Kenny has a wonderful balance of vision for where we want to go and expertise for how to get there."

"Kenny brings a ton of energy and tremendous focus to every conversation. He is the rare coach who elevates everyone in the room and has an uncanny ability to ask tough questions that move the conversation forward (even when it is an uncomfortable topic). I highly recommend Kenny for his facilitation and coaching skills, deep knowledge of all things digital marketing, and for his authenticity and integrity."


Mike Carrol

"When I met Kenny, he kept me on my toes as his company's facilitator because he was so well versed in how to maximize results using an operating system. He stuck to that system to the letter, knew how to ask the tough questions and encouraged his leaders to lean into the discomfort to get out the best results. He's a phenomenal facilitator who is skilled in helping people get results. Anyone who hires Kenny will be hiring the best!"


Mari Tautimes

"I have had the pleasure of working with Kenny in the web design and marketing industry for several years. His practical insight and technical abilities have helped him launch businesses, grow businesses, and help others achieve a healthy and sustainable work-life balance. Kenny is a natural leader with an uncanny ability to encourage, motivate and inspire others. He is hella funny to boot! I strongly recommend Kenny without hesitation. If you have the opportunity to work with Kenny, take advantage of what he has to offer. You won't just gain a partner, you will gain a lifelong friend!"


Geno Quiroz


For years, Logoipsum manually tracked marketing metrics using Excel, Google sheets, and complex macros


For years, Logoipsum manually tracked marketing metrics using Excel, Google sheets, and complex macros


For years, Logoipsum manually tracked marketing metrics using Excel, Google sheets, and complex macros


Find out how your organization scores on the 6 key elements of health

Take this free diagnostic along with the other members of your senior leadership team by sending them the link.


Why Choose Kenny Lange Coaching?

I understand that true transformation extends beyond superficial adjustments. My approach is deeply rooted in recognizing the unique challenges and opportunities that mission-driven organizations like yours face.

I offer a trio of services tailored to synchronize every aspect of your organization with its core mission.

From aligning your strategic objectives to fostering robust team dynamics and nurturing authentic leadership, my comprehensive programs are designed not just to address problems but to cultivate an environment where continuous improvement is standard.

Utilizing a blend of proven methodologies and innovative practices, I ensure that your organization is not only equipped to meet current challenges but also poised for future success.

With my support, your organization will not just grow—it will thrive, propelled by a clear mission and empowered by leaders and teams who are as committed to your goals as you are.


Need clarification?

What makes your services unique?

My services combine personal entrepreneurial experience with a deep understanding of organizational dynamics. This unique blend allows me to provide tailored strategies that not only resolve current challenges but also position your organization for future success.

How can I determine which service is right for my organization?

During our initial discovery call, we’ll discuss your specific challenges and objectives. Based on this conversation, I’ll recommend the most suitable service or combination of services that align with your organizational goals.

What is the typical duration of your coaching programs?

The duration varies based on the specific needs and scope of your organization. Typically, programs can range from a few months to over 2 years for more comprehensive transformations.

Can you work with organizations in any industry?

Absolutely! While my expertise is particularly strong in areas like tech and non-profits, the principles of effective leadership and organizational excellence are universal. I adapt my approach to meet the unique demands of your industry.

What outcomes can we expect from working with you?

You can expect to see improved strategic alignment, enhanced team performance, and stronger leadership capabilities. These changes lead to increased operational efficiency, a more engaged workforce, and ultimately, greater organizational success.

Are You Ready to Transform Your Organization?

Embrace the journey to excellence with our comprehensive coaching services that guarantee to turn your purpose into performance. Don’t wait to start making meaningful changes that will define the future of your organization.