Professionally Facilitated

Schedule Your 2-Day Annual Planning Session

Walk away with a clear one-page strategy for your business so that you can confidently execute your vision in this year and beyond.

Does this sound like you?

My vision is frequently misunderstood

The S2 Road Map will solve that by...

Clarifying your vision so that it's magnetic to the top talent that can help you get there!

My people aren't engaged in making our vision a reality

The S2 Road Map will solve that by...

Crafting a people strategy so that you get the right people on the bus and in the right seats!

We often miss our annual goals

The S2 Road Map will solve that by...

Creating bets for the future that build confidence in your team's ability to execute consistently!

If you answered "yes" to any of those,
I want you to answer one more question...

"How much money is the lack of understanding, engagement, and execution costing you every year?


$1,000? $10,000? $100,000?


You don't have to lose money any more and you don't have to struggle to figure out what system you need to reach your goals every year!

So, what's the solution?

A 2-Day Annual Planning Session, where you create your one-page Road Map for this year and beyond that will clarify your vision, engage your people, and create confidence that every member of your team can execute the plan.

Road Map Example with Labels

What will we cover in our 2-day Session?

Great Question!

Day 1 Agenda

Feeling coming into the session
What's working/not working?
Expectations for this session

Review + Optimize
Org Chart (right people, right seats)
Scoreboard (KPIs to predict success)
Weekly Sync (regular leadership team meeting)
Opportunities + Obstacles (how do you make decisions?)

Name them
Filter out weak ones
Make them memorable

Check messages

Where do you want to go?
When do you want to get there?
Why is it important?

What are you deeply passionate about?
What can you be the best in the world at?
What drives your economic engine?

Who's your competition?
Why should someone hire you instead?
What is your Onliness Statement?

Commit + Conclude
Review homework
What was the best idea of the day?
What emotion are you leaving with

Day 2 Agenda

Feeling coming into the session
Overnight thoughts?

Review + Optimize

What attributes do we want to be true?
What habits would ensure we're acting out our values?
Recap your Culture Equation

Check messages

Three-year time machine
One-year time machine
Get bets into Road Map and S2 Sync App

What is most important this quarter?
Who will be accountable?
How will we know we're making progress?

Opportunities + Obstacles
Define the opportunity or obstacle
Align it to the S2 Road Map
Take action and assign responsibility

Commit + Conclude
Review homework
What was the best idea of the day?
What emotion are you leaving with

Who Am I?

I'm Coach Kenny

Kenny Lange - Speaking from Stage

I grew up with an entrepreneurial father and mother and absorbed that spirit early in life. While in middle school, I started having my mom make an extra lunch that I would sell almost every day and would sell Pokemon cards for vending machine money.

As I got older I discovered a love for helping leaders because I saw that they often were expected to help others AND themselves. This lead me to learn as much as I could about what great leadership looks like and eventually led me to start my own company at 27, scale it to 6 figures in less than 3 years, and eventually sold it to another agency almost 5 years later.Kenny Lange speaking at Vistage Executive Summit

After selling my company to another agency, I helped them go fully remote for the first time, expand their employment globally, and grow their revenue by almost double in 2 years during COVID.

During that time, I self-implemented a framework at that other agency and saw its impact was huge! However, I later found the System & Soul Framework and wished I had found it earlier because I would have been able to help those organizations achieve more growth with less pain.

I love helping leaders to be better and gain clarity in a safe space as they chase their goals and discover who they were created to be.
S2 Certified Coach Badge
Kenny Lange Speaking at The Vistage Executive Leadership Summit in Atlanta, GA
“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.”

Mike Tyson, Philosopher


Your Path to Success!

Pick a date for our 1-hour preparation call.

Pay for your 2-day annual session.

Create your Road Map for this year and beyond.