This week's topic is all about seeing. That's right, we're talking about vision! This is a key, and often overlooked or under-communicated, leadership element. If you question its importance, then consider what scripture tells us about vision.
Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained. Proverbs 29:18a

photo courtesy of timlewisnm via Flickr
Whether you're a person of faith or not, you probably have witnessed this truth in the workplace. As leaders, it is our responsibility to cast vision for our company, our department, or our family.
If you don't, then those you're leading will have almost no clue why they're doing what they're doing.
If your gut response to that last sentence was, "they're working to get a paycheck and make a living", then you may have a profound misunderstanding of the majority of the workforce and most likely those that are working for you.
Consider this quote from leadership and financial coach Dave Ramsey and his book EntreLeadership...
"There is not much of anything that lifts people more than believing in a dream, vision, and mission bigger than them."
If you have employees that only want to earn a paycheck then you will not have someone that will run through a brick wall for you, and, be honest, we all want that person. In fact, we'd love a whole team full of those people.
If you want people on fire for your cause, your business, your VISION, then you have to constantly cast that vision in front of your team.
I'll finish with this, leadership expert and speaker at the upcoming Leadercast conference (see Resources section below for details on this conference), Andy Stanley, says that it takes at least 21 times before team members start getting the vision. In his book, Making Vision Stick, he names 3 key components for making vision stick:
1. Cast vision strategically: defining your vision.
2. Celebrate vision systematically: regularly rejoicing in the successes.
3. Live your vision continuously: putting your vision into practice in your own life.
I challenge you to ask those you lead if they know what your vision is or what vision your company has. Then ask yourself, how can I better cast vision for my business, my team, or my family?
Lead Your Home! Lead Your Work! Lead Your Life!
Podcast: The Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast
Book: Making Vision Stick (Leadership Library)
by Andy Stanley